I asked 5 people about blog in my class
1. How many words did you type on your blog? 400↑-3/400↓-2
2. Which kind of homepage do you use Japanese or English?
3. What is the most difficult thing for you when making a blog? Type-4/Upload-0/Search-1
4. How many comments do you have on your blog? More-5/1~5-0/0-0
5. Do you check other blogs? Yes-5/No-0
6. How often do you check blogs? Many time-3/ Sometime-2/ No-0
7. How many blogs did you check? More-5/ 1~5-0/ 0-0
8. What’s your main decision to choose a best blog? Appearance-2/ content-3
In my opinion, most people check their blogs each other. I think it was difficult for me to search the web, explain them and type in my own words.
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