I would like to talk about rain in New Zealand and Japan.
New Zealand and Japan are similar the part of shape of country so weather is similar. Both countries can divide two parts into South area and North area. North area is dumper than south area so north area is more rain. In New Zealand, rain falls all year round. On the other hand, it tends to be concentrated between June and September in Japan. Rain is greatest on the western coast of Japan.
Then I’ll talk about Japanese 4 rains.
Tsuyu 梅雨: It is Rainy season lasting for about 30 days from around the 10th of June to the 10th of July. The rain falls during this time of year.
Yuudachi夕立:It is Evening clod burst or sudden showers of summer. It is often accompanied by thunder and lightning.
Toori-ame通り雨: It is Sudden downpours that last only briefly, as if passing by quickly.
Harusame春雨 (春spring ): It is Gently falling, fine rain during the warm days of spring.
Climates of Japan and New Zealand
Then weather is changeable in New Zealand so they generally say “There are the four seasons in a day”. It means that it’s rain, sunny and cloudy in a day so temperature is changeable. Therefore, New Zealanders wear a shirt with long sleeves and they take a sweater or an overcoat even summer. But a gap of degree is not great. It is about 6 or 7 degree but human are effected so they take jackets.
On the other hand, New Zealand is a long island so the temperature of the north and the south is different. To speak plainly, the north area is more rainy than the south. And Japan is a long so the north area and the south area are different, too. Japan has passing shower. It is called “YUUDACHI”(written 夕立). And also Japan has rainy season. It is called “TSUYU”(written 梅雨) in Japanese.
The climate of New Zealand is changing now. It is an issue in New Zealand. It's not only New Zealand but also many countries have same issue. I think we have to solve these problems.

THE EVE OF TOMATINA (from power point)

I would like to talk about eve of Tomatina. 1st, many people come to San Lewis street in previous day. There are many food wagons. It is called “chirinquito” in Spanish. Japanese say it, “YATAI”. They are drinking alcohol, singing, and dancing all night.
Next day, many people go to Plaza de Pueblo. It’s a town hall and they come to here to get sweet roll. Everyone can get it. But there are limit.
3rd, I talk about “Palojabon”. It starts at 10:00 am. “Palojabon” is a stick. It is painted by soap and there is uncured ham on the top. People climb the stick to get a ham. When the winner appeared, the preparation of Tomatina is finished.
The autumn festival
I searched and found a strange autumn festival. The name is “Tomatina”. It is held in Spain. If you had a time, you should search this festival’s photographs because this festival is sometimes called “crazy festival”. You can easily understand this mean by this photo. Now I would like to talk about “Tomatina”.
It is called “La TOMATINA” in Spanish and held on last Wednesday in august. Tomatina starts an eve of festival. It is like a Japanese general festival. People drink alcohol, eat something and dancing all night.
Next day, people join “PALOJABON”. It is a stick and It is painted by soap and there is uncured ham on the top. People climb the stick to get a ham and decide a winner. Then Tomatina starts and people throw and throw tomatoes to each other. It is finished by sign of whistle.
I think this festival is very crazy but it looks like fan so if I had a time, I wanted to join this autumn festival! If you wanted to know more details, please search "La Tomatina".

My favorite movie is “LEON” because I like Jean Leno. He is cool and dandy so I respect him. Of course you know “LEON” is a story of one professional killer and one girl. I think this movie is very interesting and very sad. I like their relation and a verbal exchange. I like his other movies. For example, "WASABI" is good. "WASABI" means japanese "WABI" and "SABI". He is like a hero for me.
Secondary, I recommend to you to watch “TRANSFORMERS” because this movie is very fantastic! It is a robot’s story but the robots are very real! I was amazing. Especially, battle scene is high quality. When I was a child, I watched Japanese animation of TRANSFORMERS.

I went to many places on my summer vacation. Most impressive thing was trip. I went to Okinawa for three days with my friends. I was very happy because I went to Okinawa first time and it was sunny all days.
On first day, we went to “SHYURI castle”. It was king of Ryukyu’ s castle and there were many data of Ryukyu kingdom.
Next we went to hotel and went to beach. My most impression was “very salty” and a coral was rugged. I hit my little toe on the coral so I became dislike.
Second day, we went many place. For example, we went to a fruit kingdom, a pineapple kingdom, Nakijin castle,Tyuraumi-aquarium.
In pineapple kingdom, we can eat pineapple as you can so I ate much pineapple and it was delicious!
Nakijin castle was a world heritage so it was very interesting for me to touch them.
Tyuraumi aquarium was famous by jinnbei shark. The length was from 3.5 to 4 so it was very big and I was surprised. There were various fishes so I thought why they didn’t compete.
Last day, we went to an international street and we bought souvenir. Chinsukou was very famous in Okinawa so we went to a long established store of Chinsukou. I bought a formal Chinsukou and ate sample. It was very delicious so I bought two dozens. Of course one of two dozens was mine!
It was my first experience to go to Okinawa but I had another experience. It was to go to music live. The name of live was “Treasure05x” There were many musicians like ELLEGARDEN, MAXIMUM THE HORMON, 10-Feet and so on. It was exciting and I became enthusiasm. When the live finished, I became a fan of ELLEGARDEN and MAXIMUM_THE_HORMON because their songs were moved my heart and their performances attracted my heart. I rent their CDs and import to iPod. Recently I listen their music all day.
How to diet
How to diet? I would like to tell you my way of diet. It is very easy way. You don't need to drink a drug. You don't need to train. Of course you can eat!
If you want to diet, you should do two older. First, you pull in your stomach. Second, strain your abdominal muscle. If you do them at the same time, you can diet! I advice you to do them at any time. In my case, I do them when I notice not to do them.
In addition, if you could do other exercise, you should jog. Jogging is very good for our body because we can train our body and we can burn our calories. Especially sweating is very good. We can change metabolism to good way.
If you want to know other way, you should click here.
If you train your body, I suggest to buy "BILLY'S BOOT CAMP"
If you want to diet, you should do two older. First, you pull in your stomach. Second, strain your abdominal muscle. If you do them at the same time, you can diet! I advice you to do them at any time. In my case, I do them when I notice not to do them.
In addition, if you could do other exercise, you should jog. Jogging is very good for our body because we can train our body and we can burn our calories. Especially sweating is very good. We can change metabolism to good way.
If you want to know other way, you should click here.
If you train your body, I suggest to buy "BILLY'S BOOT CAMP"
Have you ever done exercise? Are you fat or lean? Today, I would like to tell you about exercise. If you heard the word “exercise”, what did you visualize? I visualized three things. They are sports, training, and aerobics.
What kind of sports do you like? I went to swimming school when I was a child, so I like swimming. In junior high school, I belonged to tennis club. I like both sports. Recently I became soft through lack of exercise because I don’t belong to any clubs, so I started to jog. I think jogging is good for us because we can train our body and we can sweat much. If you burn your calories, you should swim because swimming can burn calories most. In addition, there is a sauna bath in swimming center. I used to swim and go to sauna alternately.
I sometimes train my body. For example, I do “sit-up” and “push-up”. Many sports men do training like a “bench press”. I think it is very hard because barbell is very very heavy so I don’t want to use it!
Recently, aerobics is popular. Especially "BILLY'S BOOT CAMP" is very famous. Why did it famous? I think the style of BOOT CAMP is different from other aerobics. BOOT CAMP is very hard and Billy force to exercise but other aerobics are not powerful so if we use BILLY’S BOOT CAMP, we thought “we must listen his order and do!” Therefore, we exercise hardly and we will succeed to diet.
What kind of sports do you like? I went to swimming school when I was a child, so I like swimming. In junior high school, I belonged to tennis club. I like both sports. Recently I became soft through lack of exercise because I don’t belong to any clubs, so I started to jog. I think jogging is good for us because we can train our body and we can sweat much. If you burn your calories, you should swim because swimming can burn calories most. In addition, there is a sauna bath in swimming center. I used to swim and go to sauna alternately.
I sometimes train my body. For example, I do “sit-up” and “push-up”. Many sports men do training like a “bench press”. I think it is very hard because barbell is very very heavy so I don’t want to use it!
Recently, aerobics is popular. Especially "BILLY'S BOOT CAMP" is very famous. Why did it famous? I think the style of BOOT CAMP is different from other aerobics. BOOT CAMP is very hard and Billy force to exercise but other aerobics are not powerful so if we use BILLY’S BOOT CAMP, we thought “we must listen his order and do!” Therefore, we exercise hardly and we will succeed to diet.
(1) Interesting information about laughter.
Laughter works our brain and muscle. It makes us relax, dissolve stress and raise our skill of healing and natural killer cell. Natural killer cell works cancer.
(2) Comedy and other funny stuff.
It is a movie about commercial of “MAMESHIBA”. “MAMESHIBA” means “MAME” and “SHIBA”. “MAME” is bean in Japanese and “SHIBA” means favorite Japanese dogs, “SHIBAINU”. These short movies are funny. “MAMESHIBA” told us insignificant information and they are very interesting. I recommend to watch these movies.
FRUIT-CARVING is cutting fruits but they form various object like a flower, human and birthday massage. It is interesting for me but it’s not quite good the point of laugher.
I think “NOUNAI-MAKER” is very funny and interesting! It means guessing machine about our brain’s content. If you typed your name, computer would guess your brain’s content by Japanese “KANJI”.
Laughter works our brain and muscle. It makes us relax, dissolve stress and raise our skill of healing and natural killer cell. Natural killer cell works cancer.
(2) Comedy and other funny stuff.
It is a movie about commercial of “MAMESHIBA”. “MAMESHIBA” means “MAME” and “SHIBA”. “MAME” is bean in Japanese and “SHIBA” means favorite Japanese dogs, “SHIBAINU”. These short movies are funny. “MAMESHIBA” told us insignificant information and they are very interesting. I recommend to watch these movies.
FRUIT-CARVING is cutting fruits but they form various object like a flower, human and birthday massage. It is interesting for me but it’s not quite good the point of laugher.
I think “NOUNAI-MAKER” is very funny and interesting! It means guessing machine about our brain’s content. If you typed your name, computer would guess your brain’s content by Japanese “KANJI”.
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